Monday, July 11, 2011

Hello Chippies!
I have some sad news. Many of you may not know this, but the first session is coming to an end! This summer I am literally
stunned at how quickly the time has passed. W
e are looking forward to the great session ahead of course, but we will miss this f
antastic group of first session campers who are heading home!

The past week has been magical and United Nations Day on Monday was no doubt the highlight! The camp split into four countries and competed in even
ts all day long. From soccer to swimming the girls literally did it all! Sunday was Tan & White Skit night and tonight was a social with Ojibwa. Everyone
is having a great time and I am confident that nobody
wants to go home this weekend!

There is, however, plenty of time left in the session and we are looking forward to the rest of the week. Tomorrow (Wednesday) is the famous Egg Marathon. This Tan & White game involves lots of eggs and lots of patience! All of the campers compete in what is essentially a three hour race that requires all sorts of skill sets- athletics, aquatics,
arts and more! There is even and element to the race th
at involved making a perfect bed.
Stay tuned for the photos. Thursday night is the Four-Week Banquet and it is here that first session campers will be recognized for their many activity achievements and successes. Friday night is of course the Dance Show and we are looking forward to seeing many of you there! Be sure to look over the parent email that I shot off tonight because it contains details regarding visiting weekend. Let me know if you have any questions!

With the session coming to a close we are reminded as to just how fast time flies by. At the last staff meeting I reminded the counselors to enjoy every last second with this bunch of girls, and to encourage them to take advantage of all that camp has to offer! I will stay in touch and look forward to talking soon!
All best,

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