Monday, July 9, 2012

Enough About the Weather...

Hello Chippies,

Just me again with another CliffNotes update for you. I am sitting at my desk trying to decide where to begin this week. I feel like I have exhausted the subject of weather. We all know how hot it has been. Temps reached over 100 degrees here last week, we did all sorts of things to keep the girls cool and hydrated, tons of sunscreen was worn, it was even hotter in Chicago, the humidity was rough, and yada yada …

Enough about the weather J

I suppose I could go off into a discussion about how the first four weeks of camp have flown by, or that I cant believe there is only one week left in the first session, or that before we know it many of the girls will be loading the buses and on their way home. You have seen all of that in tweets and heard all of that during chats.

So new subject…

I would like to take a moment to discuss our staff here at Chippewa. I rave about them in emails and other forms of communication, but there really is something to be said for a group of people who have truly made the commitment to devote two months out of their year to be here and to work hard. They don’t just belay the climbing wall and ropes course, but rather teach the girls to be confident and to trust the people who care about them. They don’t just drive ski boats, but rather teach them fundamental skills that they will be able to pass on to their own children. They don’t just give the girls pony rides, but rather teach them discipline, care for animals and the importance of safety. They don’t just put the girls to bed at night and make sure that they are brushing their teeth, but rather teach them to coexist a community where they facilitate the building of friendships that will last a lifetime. We put a lot of time and effort into finding, hiring and training our staff here at Chippewa, but this bunch has really gone the extra mile. I cannot wait to show them off over visiting weekend!
This past week has been great. Tuesday night was the Camper Counselor Hunt. During this Tan & White event all of the staff hide and the campers have to find them for points. Even I hide! Audry and I have a tradition of hiding together deep in the woods. We always get caught, but it usually takes the kids a while to find us! Wednesday was July 4th and Lisa and I are so proud of our eldest campers from the cabin of Lakeview. They put the program on, and it was one of the best 4th of Julys we have seen in a long time. The kids had a great time in the water, enjoying a carnival, eating lots of good food and of course viewing the fireworks in Three Lakes, Wisconsin. The show there is always spectacular! Thursday night was a fun dance type program called Night Club Night and Friday evening Blackfoot and Silverspurs hosted our traditional campfire (the weather made it a tiny bit untraditional). Saturday was a social at Camp Menominee and Sunday was a very special day for me as it was my 10-Year celebration! The BBQ that evening was amazing (photo above). Plus the Lissner family also does a big eggs and pancakes to order breakfast Sunday mornings (photo above)! Yesterday was United Nations Day. The camp was split into four countries and they competed in various sports and events all day and into the early evening. The winning team (Andora) got to go to Cathy’s Ice cream shop as their reward! It was a great day.

There is still plenty of 1st session left and we will keep you posted throughout the week. We are looking forward to seeing many of you over visiting weekend! Have a great week and I look forward to talking soon.
All best,

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