Monday, July 25, 2011

Hi All,
I hope that you are enjoying your summer and that the heat is finally letting up wherever this blog finds you. We have been loving some cool days here, and I am pleased to say that even the rain has backed off! I really just can't believe that we are already into the second week of the second session. Sometimes (like now) I wish that I had the ability to slow the time!

This has been a tough week and an even tougher summer for camps all across the country. If you follow the news than you know what I am talking about. As an industry we work so hard to create environments which are conducive to the health, safety and well-being of our children. Those of us who are committed to this cause are able to see past the darkness of tragedy and into the light of youth development. For each incident of disastrous proportion, there are millions of illuminating small miracles that happen daily at camp, and frankly make our world a brighter place live. Like for example, the girl who learns how to overcome her homesickness and in turn develops a strong sense of independence. The boy who suddenly grasps the concept of cooperation through teamwork and good sportsmanship. The girl who gains an instant self esteem boost
when her counselor simply compliments her singing voice. The boy who through the guidance of his peers realizes how to amplify his own strengths, while also learning to tame his weaknesses. The girl who doesn't just overcome her fear of heights by conquering a high ropes course, but also gains a heavy boost of self confidence that will serve as the precursor to many of her major life achievements! As a camp director I admit to being something of an idealist (I have built my career on that), but as a former cabin counselor and parent I can see the work that is being done here, and feel so passionate about it's importance. What we do at camp cannot be done in the classroom. The daily social development that occurs here can only be attributed to the sense of community that encases it. When ten girls are placed into a cabin together there is a semi-automatic process that occurs- Friendships are formed, cooperation is taught, respect is established, patience is honed, and community is built! That does not happen in math class. Other important things do... but not that. So enough of my rant. For most of you I obviously don't need to make the case for summer camp, but the occasional reminder can't hurt. We are one of the only countries in the world to have such a special industry that focuses on it's children in a way that looks beyond their academic achievements. I am proud to be part of an industry that serves as a beacon of hope in a world that is riddled with bullet holes, war and financial dismay. If only we could spread this greatness around the globe. Maybe some day we can...

Now let's go skiing!

Second session is on fire (relax... not literally)! Last night was Tom Pease. I am sure that you all saw the photos, but this is by far one of our most exciting programs! EVERYONE was singing, dancing and having a great time. Tonight will bring our famous camp carnival, tomorrow night is "night club night" (filled with dancing, dancing and oh... did I mention more dancing?), Thursday is Tan & White Capture the Flag and the rest of the weekend is a surprise! Stay tuned to the photos and updates and have a great week!
All best,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

NOT Too Hot To Trot!

Hello Chippies!

Someone PLEASE turn down the heat! Or turn up the air-conditioning :)

Yes it's been a little too hot, but we're having fun anyway! Tomorrow will be a whopping 95 degrees (by 11am it will feel like 100 degrees), but by the end of the week it should drop down to 87 and feel like 90, so I guess that's some kind of relief (at least on Venus). Shorts, tees, misting machines, popsicles, bathing suits & water bottles have helped to keep everyone's core temp down, but we haven't quite figured out how to fight the sticky and gross. Lots of lake time seems to be working pretty well.
Either way, I would take the heat over another trip to the storm shelter! Can't seem to get the climate on track around here. Mother Nature and I are on shaky terms right now ("In a fight" as my 13 year old campers would say. Or "I.A.F." if they were texting it).

Anyway, enough about the weather. Life in Chippy land is great! Today began the first day of second session activities and everyone had a great time. The lake was bustling, the stables were rumbling, on the courts they were hustling and up the wall they were muscling. So much action! Check out the photos if you get a moment (something tells me that you guys are finding those moments...).

Evening programs have been great too. I must admit that night one in the storm shelters left a few things to be desired, but the staff are great at keeping things fun and upbeat! They sang and had a good ol' time with the girls despite the circumstances.
Last night brought Sand Storm. This Tan & White game requires bringing a mound of sand from one side of camp to the other using various containers, mechanisms, and actions. No, this is not a creative way of accomplishing a maintenance operation :) The girls had a great time and the Tans prevailed! Tonight brought
more rain and so we played an energetic and
exciting musical game in the theater. Tomorrow night we are bringing in a special DJ to host a huge GIRLS ONLY dance party. We have done this in the past and they love it! Thursday is Water Olympics and Friday night the youngest campers in camp (Blackfoot) will be hosting the evening's value based campfire program. We know that they will do great! The rest of the week is TOP SECRET!

Stay tuned to daily photos, Tweets, blog updates, Chip Chats, morse code signals and more for keeping in the loop on the summer's various happenings. I look forward to talking soon!
All best,

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hello Chippies!
I have some sad news. Many of you may not know this, but the first session is coming to an end! This summer I am literally
stunned at how quickly the time has passed. W
e are looking forward to the great session ahead of course, but we will miss this f
antastic group of first session campers who are heading home!

The past week has been magical and United Nations Day on Monday was no doubt the highlight! The camp split into four countries and competed in even
ts all day long. From soccer to swimming the girls literally did it all! Sunday was Tan & White Skit night and tonight was a social with Ojibwa. Everyone
is having a great time and I am confident that nobody
wants to go home this weekend!

There is, however, plenty of time left in the session and we are looking forward to the rest of the week. Tomorrow (Wednesday) is the famous Egg Marathon. This Tan & White game involves lots of eggs and lots of patience! All of the campers compete in what is essentially a three hour race that requires all sorts of skill sets- athletics, aquatics,
arts and more! There is even and element to the race th
at involved making a perfect bed.
Stay tuned for the photos. Thursday night is the Four-Week Banquet and it is here that first session campers will be recognized for their many activity achievements and successes. Friday night is of course the Dance Show and we are looking forward to seeing many of you there! Be sure to look over the parent email that I shot off tonight because it contains details regarding visiting weekend. Let me know if you have any questions!

With the session coming to a close we are reminded as to just how fast time flies by. At the last staff meeting I reminded the counselors to enjoy every last second with this bunch of girls, and to encourage them to take advantage of all that camp has to offer! I will stay in touch and look forward to talking soon!
All best,

Monday, July 4, 2011

Hello Chippies,
I hope all is well and that you enjoyed a fabulous 4th of July full of fun, excitement, patriotism, and a firework show that was as stunning as the one that we saw in Three Lakes, WI this evening! Today was a perfect day at camp in every way! Our eldest campers from the cabin of Lakeview organized a phenomenal all-day event that really put them to the test from organization to leadership to programming. They ran a ski show, a carnival (fully equipped with a bouncy castle, cotton candy machine & popcorn maker)and an all-camp open waterfront! These elements of the day were of course paramount to providing the campers with a fun and exciting experience, but their scope of responsibility had far exceeded the dishing out of fun. They had to dish out the food too… Literally. They planned an elaborate menu, decided on how to serve it, and even physically put food on the plates of the campers and staff. They also came up with a value-based theme that centered on our often times-unsung American heros (teachers, firefighters, doctors, pilots, medics, etc…). They created detailed murals highlighting the faces of various legends and icons responsible for bringing positive historical change to this country. The murals were hung all over the lodge and they were truly outstanding! They had to plot out the day in it’s entirety. Every detail had to be considered and they took it upon themselves to make it happen! This was one of the greatest Chippy 4th of July celebrations that I can remember. Lisa and I are very proud of the girls and we see such great future counselor potential in this group!

Camp has been wonderful thus far. The weather was a bit shaky in the beginning, but now we are on track with the sun! We have seen 90+ degree-days and we are actually ready for a cool off! I am looking forward to the commencement of our second set of first session activities. Stay tuned for photos highlighting climbers, skiiers, basketball players, and swimmers! There is so much fun to be had. The evenings this week will bring all sorts of excitement. Tomorrow night is a stage performance called Lip Sync (winners go to Cathy’s for icecream!) Later in the week we will have a special social (cannot tell you the where or when… secret). We have a couple exciting Tan & White events too (including the famous Capture the Flag program!) Friday will bring another value-based campfire and we will close out the week with a great cabin day!

Stay tuned for more news and we will keep you posted via pictures and tweets! I look forward to talking soon.
All best,