Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Week's Worth of Summer...A Summer's Worth of Week

Hello Chippies,

Welcome to my first official blog post of the 2012 camp season! One week already gone and it literally flew by. In my seven summers at the helm, this is the fastest moving and most action packed first week that I can remember. In the first seven days I have already seen an entire summers worth of experiences and emotions. I’ve seen laughter and excitement, spirit and enthusiasm, skill development and social development. I’ve seen sportsmanship, leadership, friendship and companionship (all of the “ships” really. If it ends in a “ship”, I have already seen it). I’ve seen tears of joy, occasional tears of not so much joy, and even tears induced by pine pollen and completely unrelated to emotion. We have had rainy days and bone-dry days. We have had cold days and sweltering days (as I write this it is 50 degrees outside and I’m wearing a heavy hooded sweatshirt). Climate is a funny thing at Chippewa by the way (or "BT Dubs" as the campers say because it sounds cooler)… The temperature actually varies depending on where you are standing in camp. In the middle of the south field it could be 85 degrees, but among the trees down by the fire circle it might be 65 degrees in that same moment! Anyway, there are still seven great camp weeks left and I feel like I have already seen it all!

We have had some outstanding programming and great activity instruction already. The 2012 staff is truly phenomenal. They are hard working, dedicated to camp and committed to providing a great summer for their campers. Sari, Lisa and I are looking forward to seeing them continue to evolve as the season progresses. Hopefully many of you will have an opportunity to meet them over visiting weekend. We would love to show them off! 

On Monday afternoon the campers arrived and they were ushered the Center Fire Circle where they immediately learned of their cabin, their counselors, and their co-campers. After an outstanding opening dinner, we ran our traditional Friendship Camp Fire and the girls spent some quality time bonding with their cabin mates and counselors. Tuesday evening we kicked off our famous Tan & White program with Donny Quay (the spirit of Tan & White) and the team announcements for the new campers. Cheers were sung (well…  shouted) and the excitement level was awesome! Wednesday was the first day of regular activities and that evening brought the opening staff show. Great dances were danced, songs were sung and skits were skitted. We have TONS of talent on this staff! Thursday evening was Big & Little Sister Night. Camp sister pairs competed in a slew of events and games with the ultimate prize being a trip to Cathy’s Ice Cream shop in the local town of St Germain. Friday evening Trailriders put on a beautiful campfire with the theme of Unity guiding the program. Saturday was Tan & White Skit Night and Sunday evening we enjoyed a social at Camp Kawaga. Tonight was the ever famous Tan & White game called Barnyard Bedlam. The girls had a blast! Stay tuned to the next CliffNotes for a rundown on this coming week's activities and events...

As a reminder, please follow us on Twitter! This is the fastest and easiest way to stay connected to the on goings at camp. My handle is @chippewacliff and Sari Hirsch is @chippewasari. We try to tweet a bit everyday, so keep up with us if you dare! We will also keep facebook up to date and I will offer my weekly blog once or twice each week. Our newspaper program (chipchat) has been uploading articles to your Camp In Touch accounts, so check them out next time you log in. Pictures will be posted daily and you can of course contact us at any time via email or phone- cliff@chippewaranchcamp.com , Lisa@chippewaranchcamp.com or sari@chippewaranchcamp.com. The office phone is 866-209-9322. My cell is 312-593-0246 and Lisa's is 773-653-8107. I look forward to being in touch with you all very soon!
All best,